Secure Data Destruction

Secure data destruction for USB drives, hard disk drives (HDDs) and solid-state drives (SSDs) in computers and laptops is a priority. Whenever you are disposing of unwanted IT equipment. It is not enough just to delete it and assume that it cannot be found again.

This is why you should bring it to us?

The security of your data is of the upmost importance, we will ensure that it cannot be recovered. We are also committed to sustainable recycling and trying to keep as much out of landfill as possible.

Our data destruction protocol is American Department of Defence Military Standard 5520.22.M.

All equipment when it leaves you should be fully cleaned and no trace of your should be left on it, we are the company to trust with that.


It is becoming increasingly important that home users protect their computers. With security as there is an ever increasing threat from hackers and phishing.

Come to us we will setup your computer security and ensure that you have the most up to date software running in the background. Knowing this will offer you peace of mind.

If the worst should happen and you are scammed or hacked contact us immediately We will ensure that you computer or laptop is cleaned and that there is no trace of the hacker left behind.

We will also advise you on steps to take to keep yourself safe just contact us